This Is Your Divine Appointment To Activate Abundance & Shift Your Life!




15 minute breathwork session that will change your life and help you manifest money, romance, passion and love.

Connect to your heart, uncover your intuitive gifts and

design your business blueprint so that you can live your bliss.

Unlock your True Calling and Secrets to Success

Are you ready to unlock the power that is within you and step into business and a life filled with abundance, happi

“She helped me package up my divine gift in a way that is deliverable.”

Monica helped me overcome doubt in myself and my ability to bring to life my contribution and talent in a simplistic way. She helped me overcome procrastination and helped me on keeping my focus with strategy with her deep compassion and passion for her work. I gained deeper confidence in myself and my work. She helped me package up my divine gift in a way that is deliverable. I have goose bumps just at the thought of her divine skill set and power!


What my Soul Sisters Say

Are you ready to unlock the power that is within you and step into a life filled with abundance, happiness, success and fulfillment? Listen to what my clients have to say about my work.

I have lost 30 pounds and I created my own signature program. Monica lives and breathes enlightenment and spirituality. Monica became my coach as I began to discover my light and gifts I needed to offer the world. Monica became my spiritual running buddy. She helped me discover a deep love for myself and introduced me to many self-care tools that lead to feelings of empowerment and worthiness. She has also shown me that I can get paid for just being me. I have now lost 30 pounds and I have created a program to help other women get in touch with their higher self and cleanse their body, mind and soul. As I look back, I see that Monica saw something in me before I even knew it was there. She is an incredible motivator, mentor, teacher and leader.

Heather Hanson

Women's Empowerment Coach

Before working with Monica, I had all the ideas, but struggled to know how to set up my business. I heard all about Funnels, but had NO CLUE where to even start with the technical stuff. And I struggled to have a clear, concise vision for what I wanted my business to be and who I wanted to serve and what I wanted to offer.

Monica helped me to focus in my vision for my business, clarify my target audience and has helped me with all the technology stuff ie., set up my Landing Page, Opt-In, Email sequencing, FB Marketing.

As a result, I am feeling extremely confident, clear about who I serve, what I will offer and I will be launching my Business/FB Group/Online Course ....2 MONTHS SOONER than I had planned.

Stacie Brethauer

Intuitive Healer and Transformational Coach

Monica helped me to develop a short term and a long term plan as she assists me in developing those things that I was not familiar with. I am learning more and more everyday through her expertise and training. Monica meets people at their level and creates a multimodal sense of training that enables people of all learning styles to be able to embrace the learning. Coupled with the interactive is the quintessential package for business success thus creative a more blissful life!

Monica has helped me to jump over many hurdles, namely my fears and blocks that prevented me from taking the next step. I have navigated and moved through the blocks I felt, and I have been able to do what she has asked.

Dr. Candace Robick

Rooted in Resonance

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